The scholarship award will involve a two year period. The first year is a qualifyingyear only, the second year is the competition year, when points are earned. Participants shall qualify for scholarship competition by placing 1st or 2nd in their individual age groups in International or any Regional Solo or 1st or 2nd in International or any Regional Novelty (2 baton, 3 baton, fancy strut) division, OR by placing in the top three (overall) in their division for Miss TU Regional or Miss TU World Majorette.Announcement of contestants who are eligible to compete for the scholarship awards will be in August of each year. Qualification for this annual award will be an on-going procedure beginning each year at the International competition in July and terminating the day before the International competition of the following year. Points will be accrued during the year immediately after qualification, beginning with the International competition and ending July 5 of the following year. Twirlers must qualify before July 5 in order to begin accruing points for any given competition year. Age division is determined by the contestant’s age at the International competition at the beginning of the year he/she begins to accrue points.
Four scholarships will be awarded at the International Competition each year. For Tiny Tot and Juvenile divisions, the award will be in the form of $1,000 US Savings Bonds (cash value of $500). For Junior and Senior divisions, the award will be $1,000 to be paid to the institution as used for education. When the student is enrolled, tuition will be reimbursed, up to the amount of $1,000 until all has been used. Junior and Senior division scholarships are not transferable to any other person.
Click here for list of twirlers eligible to compete for 2024-25 Scholarships
1. Points awarded for ENTERING Regional and International competition (there is no limit to the number of Regional competitions that may be entered)
25 points for each Regional Solo
35 points for each TU Regional Majorette
15 points for each Regional Novelty (2 Baton, 3 Baton, Fancy Strut)
40 points for International Solo
50 points for TU World Majorette
25 points for each International Novelty (2 Baton, 3 Baton, Fancy Strut)
2. Points awarded for PLACING in Regional and International competition
Regional Solo
15 points for first in individual age group
10 points for second in individual age group
25 points for first in twirloff division
20 points for second in twirloff division
15 points for third in twirloff division
TU Regional Majorette
35 points for first overall
30 points for second overall
25 points for third overall
20 points for fourth overall
10 points for fifth overall
Regional Novelties (2 Baton, 3 Baton, Fancy Strut)
15 points for first
10 points for second
5 points for third
International Solo
30 points for first in individual age group
25 points for second in individual age group
40 additional points for first in twirloff division
35 additional points for second in twirloff division
30 additional points for third in twirloff division
TU World Majorette
50 points for first overall
40 points for second overall
30 points for third overall
25 points for fourth overall
20 points for fifth overall
International Novelties
(2 Baton, 3 Baton, Fancy Strut)
25 points for first
20 points for second
15 points for third
3. Points earned through COMMUNITY SERVICE
Each twirler has an opportunity to earn up to 100 points for community service performed by her. This may be done through volunteer programs, through unpaid performances and services, or through active participation in a community service program. Any fund-raising activity (personal or group) is excluded from consideration and twirling for your school does not count as community service. The report of this activity is to be submitted by February 1 of the competition year and is to describe the service. The service may have been at any time in the past, or ongoing, but future plans are not acceptable. This report may be written by the twirler or a parent or another adult. It should be submitted with a title page which includes name, address and age of twirler. The title page is to be signed by an adult (teacher, parents, supervisor, counselor, etc.) verifying the service. This is not a competition and points will be awarded by an impartial judge on the basis of significance and quality of service. Deadline: postmarked by February 1 of the competition year.
4. Points earned through SPORTSMANSHIP written essay
Twirlers are invited to submit a short essay (not to exceed 500 words) on evidence of sportsmanship in twirling that they have seen or participated in. This is not a competition and each twirler may earn up to 50 points. Twirling Unlimited reserves the right to reprint any of these essays that seem suitable in TWYRL TYPE. Deadline: postmarked by April 1 of the competition year.
Community Service Reports and Sportsmanship Essays should be mailed to this address:
TU Scholarship
1000 S Cleveland-Massillon Rd Ste 105B
Akron, OH 44333
A running tabulation of earned points will be maintained by TWIRLING UNLIMITED throughout the year. In late June, a letter will be sent to the top 3 at that point in each division to verify their point tabulation.