Twirling Unlimited

Our mission is to bring twirlers together by creating a welcoming and accommodating environment


In any event, no group member may compete in another unit in the same category (he/she may not compete against himself/herself.) Exception: Dance Twirl of the Day.

In each division, a judge must evaluate each group’s performance in terms of a standard.  If a judge feels that the performance does not merit a first place designation, a protection rule may be issued and the highest scoring group will receive 2nd place.     A protection rule may be issued in any division.

In any event where individual music is used, if music stops or has technical issues  for ANY reason after the first 15 seconds, the performing group or soloist must continue performing – they may not start over. Groups are encouraged to bring their own music apparatus to ensure proper playing.

No non-performing members (example: spotters or equipment handlers) are permitted on competition floor during performance.

TEAMS – GENERAL RULES (apply to all team events)

Minimum of 3 members

Ages:  (Avg)    Up to 6.9 -   PeeWee  12.0 to 14.9 Junior

                           7.0 to 8.9 -  Tiny Tot                 15.0 and Up - Senior

                           9.0 to 11.9 – Juvenile

Note: Contestant’s age is determined by their age as of the day of the competition.

Number of members (for all team events): 3 to 5 members - small

                                                                           6 to 9 members - medium

                                                                           10 and up  - large

General Penalties:  (assessed for all team events)

    .5 per drop of baton or other equipment                  .1 per unison

    .5 per fall                                                                       .1 per alignment error

    .2 per out of step                                                          .1 per second over or under time

Due to safety concerns, mounts may be one tier only. No mounts may be higher than thigh-high mounts and no tossing of performers is allowed. . “Lifts” and “mounts” are different elements.

In all cases where individual music is used, music theme and lyrics should be appropriate for family entertainment. Music should be ready to play.  A CD player will be available, but groups are encouraged to bring their own music apparatus to ensure proper playing.

Dance Twirl Teams

Groups perform to their own music. No props or backdrops allowed. No more than one baton per member.  Timing begins and ends with music. 

Time Limit: 1:30-3 minutes.                  

Additional penalties:   .1 per break/slip

Level 1 Dance Twirl Team

There is no “Beginner” Team Classification in TU.  However, to accommodate teams still at a developmental level, a “Level 1 Team” division is offered in the Dance Twirl event.  Level 1 Teams are restricted in the same manner as Level 1 solos: no member may do more than a one turn, and no more than 2 consecutive elbows.  In addition, no member may do any high toss tricks with illusions or any gymnastics move underneath and no member may perform 3 baton tricks.   Any Level 1 team performing tricks in excess of restrictions will be presumed to be competing "for comments  only” and will not be given scores, placing or awards.  This is considered an open event only, winners do not receive a Regional or International title at Championship competitions. Teams are permitted to enter both Level 1 and the open or Regional Dance Twirl event, as long as they meet the appropriate restrictions when competing in the Level 1 event.

Pom Teams

Performed to own music.   Teams must use poms.  No props or scenery allowed. Intentional “grounding” of poms is permitted for a short period of timeWith safety in mind, groups may use mounts no more than “thigh-high” level and no tossing of performers allowed.  Any groups using mounts do so with the understanding that they are exclusively responsible in case of injury. No mats are provided. Timing begins & ends with music.         Time Limit: 1:30- 3 minutes

Twirl Teams

Routine is performed to standard march music, provided by TU.  No more than one baton per member (total number of batons used may not exceed number of members). Timing begins with salute by one or more members at starting line in front of judge and ends with salute by one or more members at the same line.  Formations and floor coverage are evaluated for the entire routine.  Entrance and Exit are optional

     Time limit: 1:30 to 3 minutes

     Additional Penalties:      Breaks:   .1 per error             Off Pattern:  .1 per error

      Improper Salute:  .5      Failure to salute   1.0

Novelty Teams

Performed to own music.  One baton may be used as a small portion of the novelty routine, but the emphasis is on equipment other than one baton. Groups must use some equipment or apparatus. Poms & Color Guard have their own event and may not enter this category, although any of those types of equipment may be a portion of a novelty performance. Judging is based on use of equipment, execution, audience appeal and unison.  Timing begins and ends with music.

       Time Limit: 1:30 – 3 minutes   

Strut Teams

One baton per member.  Use own music. Designed to be similar to a parade performance, Strut Teams are judged on routine content,  unison, and ability to stay in step with music. Floor pattern – straight line down the length of the gym once; one re-trace is permitted as an option. Oblique movements or slight hesitations permitted.  Timing begins and ends with music.         Time Limit: 1-3 minutes.

Duet Strut available as separate event (see individual events listing)                

(standard age and group divisions do not apply)

Color Guard

Ages (Avg.):  Junior: 0-14.9    Senior:  15.0 +

Divisions:  Small  (3-9 members);  Large (10+ members)

Groups perform to music of their own choosing.  Timing begins and ends with music.

Time Limit: Short Program:  up to 4:00 minutes

                       Long Program  4:00 - 8:00

Solo and Duet Color Guard events available (see individual events listing)

Majorette Squads (offered at selected open competitions)

Minimum number of members is 3.
Divisions:  Junior High/  High School/  College

Division determined by school affiliation – all members must attend (or be eligible for extra-curricular activities at)   the same school, not just the same district. If a majorette squad is a combination of Junior High and High School twirlers, the group should enter according to the grade of the oldest member.

Any type of baton work and props permitted. Use own music.

Time Limit:  up to 4:00 minutes  - short program

                        4:00 to 8:00   - long program

Additional Penalties:  .1 per break/slip

Cheerleading may be offered as an exhibition opportunity at a TU competition (other than Regional or International).


Maximum set-up time for Corps - 5 minutes. Penalty - Judge’s Discretion (5 pts maximum). Entrance is optional. There are 4 classifications of corps competition: Parade corps, Mini Corps, Floor Corps and Production Group.

These rules apply to all corps, no matter what classification.

1.  There must be a minimum of 10 members (Mini Corps, Floor Corps and Parade Corps must be 10 baton twirling members).

2.  All corps provide their own music, whether live or recorded.

3.  Age divisions (average age)

                0 - 6.9  - Peewee

                7.0 - 8.9 -Tiny Tot

                9.0 - 11.9  - Juvenile

                12.0 - 14.9 - Junior

                15.0 & over - Senior

4.  Penalties:

.2 drop of baton or other equipment        .1 alignment error

.2 out of step                                        .1 unison error

.2 fall                                                       .1 boundary error per person

                                .1 per second under/overtime

5. Due to safety concerns, no mounts or lifts may be higher than thigh-high and no  tossing of performers is allowed.

6.  Any corps member may not compete in more than one unit in the same category and age bracket. (He/she may not compete against herself).

7.  Any corps may have auxiliary sections, but none is required.

8.  At TU International Competition, the floor boundaries will be 50 x 84.


Corps may begin in any formation on or off the floor.  Timing and judging will begin with the first movement of any member or the first note of music whichever is first (including the commanders). Timing and judging will end with the last note of the music. Props and/or scenery are permitted but not required.

Time Limit: 4-8 minutes.  There is no minimum twirling time, but scoring captions emphasize twirling skills. No specific formation requirements.

Score Sheet Categories (20 points each): Variety
Twirling Precision and Unison
Technique and Execution
General Effect



Same Rules and Score Sheet Categories as Floor Corps

Time limit is 2 to 4 minutes.


Baton may be a portion of routine, but the emphasis is on production and entertainment value rather than twirling difficulty. Routine incorporates any form of novelty choreographed to music. May also include scenery, props, etc. No group may enter both Floor Corps and Production Group with the same routine.

Score Sheet Categories (20 points each): Equipment Use
Technique and Execution
General Effect

Time Limit:  4 - 8 minutes


The corps will perform in a U formation beginning and exiting to the judge's left.  There is a constant 20 feet width for the entire U.  All members of the corps must stay within that boundary until they pass the finish line.  There is no spread beyond the 20 feet boundary allowed.                                                

The maximum time limit is 2 minutes - there is no undertime or minimum twirling time.  All members of the corps must cross the finish line in the allotted 2 minutes.  If any member remains on the floor after 2 minutes has passed a .1 per second penalty will be assessed.  Continuous footwork is not required but a general forward motion should be maintained to cover the required distance in the allotted time.

Timing and judging will begin with the first movement or first note of music (including the commander), whichever is first.  Judging and penalties (excluding overtime) will end when the last member has crossed the finish line or when 2 minutes are up, whichever is first.

Corps may use ½ length of the floor within the 20 foot boundary to set up in.  Can use novelty equipment, if desired.

Score Sheet Categories: 20 points each

                Variety and Difficulty of Twirling
Variety and Difficulty of Strutting
                Twirling Precision and Unison
                Strutting Precision and Unison
General Effect

At all corps competitions, one judge will serve as a “penalty judge” and will be responsible for recording all penalties (a clerk will be assigned to assist). All remaining judges will score all 5 captions of the appropriate corps score sheet. Total penalties will be subtracted from each judge’s scores to arrive at final total. All judges’ final totals will be added together to determine winner.