At Twirling Unlimited competitions, all contestants enter the division appropriate for their age as of day of the contest.
One baton only, entrance and exit are optional. Gymnastics moves are permitted.
Ages: 0-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15+
Timing begins with opening salute and stops with ending salute. Time Limits:
Level 1 (Special Beginner): 1:00-2:00
Levels 2 & 3 (Novice & Beginner): 1:30-2:00
Level 4 (Intermediate): l:30-2:15
Level 5 (Advanced): 2:00-2:30
To protect the integrity of the developmental levels of twirling, the following restrictions apply to twirls allowed at each level:
Level 1 (Special Beginner), No more than a 1 turn, no more than 2 consecutive elbow rolls; no high toss tricks with illusions or gymnastics moves underneath.
Level 2 (Novice): No more than a 2 turn, no more than 4 continuous elbows.
Level 3 (Beginner ): No more than a 3 turn, no more than 6 continuous elbows
Level 4 (Intermediate): No more than a 4 turn, no more than 8 continuous elbows.
Any contestant performing or attempting tricks in excess of the applied standard for a given division will be presumed to be competing "for comments only” and will not be given scores, placing or award. In pageants, they will be placed last.
Note: Rules relating to spins and elbow rolls apply to solo twirling only. They do not apply to two-baton or 3 baton.
Penalties: .5 drop 1.0 failure to salute .1 break/slip
.5 sloppy or incorrect salute .1 off pattern .1 per second over or under time
Open to males only. Ages: 0-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 & over Time Limit: l:30 - 2:30
Rules, Score Sheet and Penalties same as Girls Solo Twirling
Open to any twirler age 15+. Combination of one baton and any novelty or multiple batons. Performed to standard twirling music. Timing begins and ends with salute.
Time limit 2 – 2 ½ minutes. One baton minimum of 1 minute
No specific pattern is required. The contestant must complete the modeling in 1½ minutes. Any time spent on the floor in excess of this will result in .1 penalty per second. No specific dress type or length is required. Music provided by TU.
COSTUME MODEL (formerly Best Appearing)
Same as Dress Model, but in costume. Baton is optional –time is 1½ minutes Max.
Marching in a square either singly or follow-the-leader (judge's discretion). Contestants are evaluated on posture, leg lines, carriage, with a particular emphasis on Timing. If no one in the division remains in step for an entire square, no first place will be given. Awards in this case will be given beginning with second place. Baton not required, may carry poms, rifle, sabre, etc.
SPECIAL BEGINNER BASIC MARCH (offered at some competitions)
Same rules as Basic March; for contestants who have not won TWO 1st places in a Basic March event.
Marching to be performed in a square. Contestants must demonstrate an ability to beat time. Judging is on posture, bearing, leg lines with a particular emphasis on Timing. No penalty or extra credit for variations. If no one in the division remains in step for an entire square, no first place will be given. Awards in this case will be given beginning with second place.
Open to all genders. Rules for Novice, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels are the same. There are no pattern requirements for Strut; it may be in a T, a straight line, free style, super X or any other pattern. Judging will be based on excellence within the style. Twirls are permitted but no credit is given under difficulty unless coordinated with body work. Opening and closing salute are optional and opening presentation is permitted. Timing will begin with the first move and end with the final salute or pose. A maximum time limit of 2 minutes is allowed.
Penalties: drop .5 *slip .1 overtime .1 per second
fall .5 out of step .5/8 counts
*a slip is anything breaking up continuity of the routine - either baton or bodywork (example: fumble, loss of balance, stumble)
Timing begins with opening salute of at least one baton and stops with ending salute of at least one baton. Time Limit for all levels: 1:30-2:00
Timing begins with opening salute of at least one baton and stops with ending salute of at least one baton. 4 baton permitted as a portion of routine, if desired. Time limit for all levels: :30 – 2:00
Performed to music of contestant's choice. Use of any type of twirling apparatus, multiple batons and novelty equipment with dance moves is permitted. One baton twirling should be a portion of routine, but use of novelties is required. Any performance using only one baton (no props or novelties) will be given comments only, no awards, no scores. Timing will begin and end with the music. If music stops or has technical difficulty for any reason after the first 15 seconds, contestant may not start over. Contestants are encouraged to bring their own player as backup. Props may be used but no other persons may appear on competition floor during the routine.
Time: Beginner: :30-2:00 Advanced: 1:30-2:30 No double-entering of show routine.
Penalties: .1 per sec under and over time .5 drop .1 break .5 fall
One baton only – no novelties or props. Use music of contestant’s choice. Score sheet & penalties same as Show Routine. Time Limit (all one level): 1:30-2:30
Two contestants compete together to music of their choice. One baton should be at least a portion of routine; novelties are optional. Use Avg. ages. Time: 1:30-3:00
Two contestants compete together with one baton each. Standard twirling music. Division determined by averaging ages: 0-8.5, 9-11.5, 12-14.5, 15.0 +. Timing begins & ends with a salute. Time Limit: Beginner: 1:30-2 minutes Advanced: 2:00-2:30
Two contestants only. Use own music. Floor pattern: down the length of the gym once or re-traced one time, if desired; oblique moves permitted. Time: 1– 3 minutes. Timing begins and ends with music. Avg. Ages: 0-8.5, 9-11.5, 12-14.5, 15.0 +
Use own music. Time Limit: Max. 1 ½ minutes; timing begins and ends with music. No equipment other than poms. Ages 0-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15+ (Avg. ages for duet)
Use own music Time Limit: Maximum of 3 minutes; timing begins & ends with music. Divisions: Junior: 0-14, Senior: 15 + over (Avg. ages for duets)
PARADE MARCH (offered on a limited basis at specific competitions)
Parade March is performed in a straight line covering a distance of 100 feet to be completed in one minute. There is no penalty for oblique moves, hesitations or backsteps. Standard march record; only one baton may be used. Timing starts with the first movement and ends when the twirler crosses the 100 foot mark or ending pose (whichever is first). Failure to cross the finish line within 60 seconds means a .5 penalty. All judging and penalties will stop after 1 minute or when the finish line is crossed, whichever comes first. Penalties: drop .5 out of step .5
BASIC TWIRL SOLO (offered by request)
This is a prescribed routine designed for beginning twirlers. Contestants are judged on accuracy of twirls plus speed, smoothness and showmanship. This event is only open to Level 1 and Level 2 (Special Beginner and Novice) twirlers Penalties same as solo.
BASIC X STRUT (offered by request)
This is a prescribed strutting routine designed for beginning strutters. Contestants are judged on the accuracy of the routine, in addition to body form, timing and showmanship. Penalties same as Fancy Strut
This event is designed for twirlers new to competition. This is an opportunity for Level 1 twirlers (Special Beginner) to perform for a minimal cost. They are not judged on a comparison basis, but rather against a standard. Therefore, there are no placements, but each twirler is given a ribbon reflecting the quality of the performance.
Twirling for "score sheet only" is permitted, if designated before performing. Twirler will receive comments only - no scores and no awards. Twirling for score sheet only does not constitute "competing" and therefore does not qualify one for twirl-off, high point or pageants. Score Sheet Only not permitted at TU International or Regionals.
HIGH POINT AWARDS (offered at open competitions)
Trophy awarded to Nov/Beg, Int, & Adv. solo twirler with most points earned during the competition (division determined by solo level; Nov. & Beg. combined). All individual events count 5 pts. for entering each event, plus points for placement: 5pts. for 1st, 4 pts. for 2nd, 3 pts. for 3rd, 2 pts. for 4th, 1 pt. for 5th. (Level 1 (Spec. Beginner) Solo and Spec. Beginner Basic not included.) 40 pts Minimum.
If a twirler double-enters any event, he/she may only count points for lower level.
OPEN PAGEANTS (available at some competitions)
Note: Wins in any part of pageant events do not count for advancement, but contestants must enter (not score sheet only) open solo at the same level as their pageant to be eligible to participate in any pageant. Athletes may enter 2 levels of pageants, but entering 3 levels of pageants is not permitted.
When available, the Basic Skills pageant consists of 3 equal parts: Solo, Basic March & Costume Model. Contestants must compete in all 3 aspects and winner is determined using equal credit for all 3 parts. In case of a tie, solo placement determines the winner. The Basic Skills pageant is restricted to Level 1 and 2 (Special Beg. & Novice) twirlers only. Solo may include no more than a 2 turn and 4 continuous elbows.
When available, the Beginner (Level 3) or Intermediate (Level 4) Pageant will consist of 3 parts: Solo, Fancy Strut & Modeling (Costume or Dress/no interview). Contestants must compete in all 3 parts. Winner determined using equal credit for all 3 parts. In a tie, solo placing determines the winner. Contestant's solo classification determines pageant level & appropriate twirl restrictions apply for each level.
In TU open events, awards are presented based on the number of contestants in division.
1-3 Contestants ….. 1st place trophy; 2nd & 3rd place medals
4-7 Contestants …..1st & 2nd place trophy, 3rd place medal
8-10 Contestants…..1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies
11-14 Contestants …… 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophy, 4th& 5th medals
15-20 Contestants….. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th place trophies
21+ Contestants….division is split
There are no Beginner or Intermediate “titles”; all Regional and International Titles are open to twirlers of any level. Time limits are broad enough to include all levels.
Once a twirler or duet has won an International title, he/she must wait until they change age groups to compete for that same title again. This applies to pageants, solo, duets and novelties at the International competition – but does not apply to Regional titles. Once a twirler has won a Basic Skills, Beginner or Intermediate Pageant at TU International, they may not enter that same level of pageant at TU International again in the same age group. This does not apply to developmental level pageants at Regional or open competitions.
Every contestant entering the solo competition (any event) at Regional or International level agrees before entry that she will not make any attempts to provide her own publicity and no one else will do it on her behalf. Champions are given a press release granting permission to contact local newspapers or other media. Note: the term “Champions” is reserved for Regional and International title winners only. Winners of pageants at the Basic Skills, Beginner, and Intermediate levels are referred to as “Pageant Winners” in their respective levels.
Divisions: Tiny Tot (ages 0-8)
Juvenile (ages 9-11)
Junior (ages 12-14)
Teen (Ages 15-17)
Senior (ages 18+)
This is a three-part contest: Dress/Costume Modeling (50% interview), Competition Solo (Time is 1½ to 2½ minutes), and Individual Music event (1½ - 2½ minutes). Contestants must compete in all three aspects of the competition and the winner will be determined using equal credit for all three parts. In case of tie, Individual Music event placing will break the tie, followed by Solo placing.
Individual Music event (Show Routine/Solo Dance Twirl) music must be labeled with the contestant's name and ready to play. (Regardless of format, all contestants are encouraged to bring their own player as backup to ensure proper playing.)
Once an athlete has won a Miss TU World Majorette title, they may not compete for the same title. They must wait until they have changed age groups to compete for the Miss TU World Majorette title again. This does not apply to the Regional titles.
Note: Contestants must enter a “non-pageant” solo at the same competition to be eligible to participate in the Miss TU pageant. Regional or International Solo may be used to meet this requirement for Advanced level athletes only.
Open to all genders. Open to all levels, but Levels 1-4 twirlers must also enter open solo at their level to maintain their developmental level status.
Time Limit: 1:30-2:30 Score Sheet and Penalties - Same as Open Solo
Preliminary Ages: 0-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20+
Boys and girls together. The top 2 in each preliminary age category will retwirl for the international (or regional) title. Age divisions for twirl-off: 0-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17 and 18+. Only the winner of the twirloff will carry the title "TU International (or Regional) Solo Champion".
Open to all genders and levels, but Beg. or Int. athletes must enter open strut at their level to maintain developmental level status. Ages: 0-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 & Over (15-17 & 18+ at International).
Same rules as open Fancy Strut - Time Limit: 2 minutes maximum
Open to all genders and all levels, but Beg. or Int. athletes must enter open event at their level to maintain developmental level status. Ages: 0-8, 9-11,12-14, 15+ (15-17 & 18 + at International)
Timing begins with opening salute of at least one baton and stops with ending salute of at least one baton . Same rules as Open 2-Baton & Open 3+Baton
Time Limit 1:30-2:00 for 2-Baton.
Time Limit :30- 2:00 for 3-Baton.
Division determined by averaging ages: 0-8.5, 9-11.5, 12-14.5, 15+ Over. Two athletes compete together with one baton each. Timing begins and ends with salute. Time limit 1½ to 2½ minutes. Standard twirling music is used.
Each participant in the Miss TU World Majorette competition will receive a special memento, regardless of their placing. Winners will receive flowers, large trophy and banner with Regional and International Titles. International winners will receive traveling plaques for one year, and be featured on the Twirling Unlimited website.
TU Regional Majorettes will receive $25 to purchase a savings bond, in addition to flowers, banner and trophy. 1-3 overall trophies; 1-3 in model, solo & IM receive medals.
TU World Majorettes will receive $125 to purchase a savings bond ($500 Founders Scholarship
for Teen & Senior), in addition to flowers, trophy and specially engraved traveling plaque for a year. 1st through 5th place overall winners will receive a trophy. In addition, first, second and third place winners in modeling, twirling and IM will receive a medal appropriate to their placement.
International 2 Baton, 3 Baton and Fancy Strut Champions will receive an International gold medal and title banner. 2nd and 3rd receive silver and bronze medals.
Regional and International Solo preliminary winners will receive 1st place trophy in each individual age division.
International Solo Champions will receive $125 to purchase a savings bond (Johnson-Heier scholarship for Teen & Senior) in addition to International gold medal, title banner and a specially engraved traveling plaque to keep for one year. All International Solo finalists will receive custom designed International medals (2nd - 6th).
Group awards for 1st place in Regional or International events will be a trophy for first and individual champion medallions for each member. From 2nd place down, each individual member will receive contestant medallion. Cash awards for Juv., Jr and Sr Dance Twirl, Pom, Strut, Novelty & Corps Champions at TU International.
Beginner (Level 3) & Intermediate (Level 4) Pageant winners at the TU International competition will receive a full scholarship to the TU camp of their choice, in addition to trophy and banner.
Note: the term “Champion” is reserved for Regional and International title winners only. Winners of pageants at the Basic Skills, Beginner and Intermediate levels are referred to as “Pageant Winners” in their respective levels.