Twirling Unlimited

Our mission is to bring twirlers together by creating a welcoming and accommodating environment


Note: Printed copies of the rule book are available at any TU competition or by sending a self-addressed 6x9 envelope with $1.65 in stamps to TU headquarters at the address listed on the Contact TU page.

TWIRLING UNLIMITED is a consortium of twirling teachers and judges who have united to best serve common goals. TWIRLING UNLIMITED is incorporated as a non-profit organization and is so registered in various states and with the Federal Government.   The rules that follow have been designed to permit twirlers from all organizations to meet and compete on an equal basis.

TWYRL TYPE is the official organ for Twirling Unlimited and is published monthly, except December.  It is currently distributed in January via US mail, in February via e-mail and alternates distribution methods monthly.  There is no charge for twirling teachers and judges.  Twirlers & others may subscribe for $5.00 yearly.

It is the hope of all TU officials that twirlers will continue to compete in their respective organizations and that all twirlers, teachers and judges will conduct themselves in a manner which will enhance the image of twirling in the mind and eye of the general public, and in a manner that will help to promote the spirit of friendly competition. 


Twirlers or groups may not receive "coaching" from the sidelines while actually in competition.  This includes help with hearing the beat of the music, a time limit signal or any other assistance. At judge’s or contest official’s discretion, this may result in performance being considered “for Comments Only”, no awards

Still pictures and videotaping are permitted at TU competitions.  However, it is understood that videotapes will only be made of one's own child or students, or with the explicit permission of the performer.  No flash pictures are permitted!

ALL publicity concerned with Twirling Unlimited Competitions will be handled through  headquarters.  Regional and International champions will receive an official publicity release which can be taken to their local news media. No publicity relating to any TU contests is to be submitted in any way other than official TU press releases, or with prior approval from TU headquarters.  Failure to comply with this policy will result in rejection of future entries and participation in TU competitions. 

Judges’ observations and decisions are final.


All contestants enter TU  competitions by their age as of the day of the event. 

Entry to TU competitions is available for all regardless of race, religion, organizational affiliation or place of residence.  There is no minimum or maximum age limit for contestants. 

All International and Regional events are open to contestants from any geographic area and any level of twirling (Levels 1 through 5).  No International or Regional titles will be awarded to a division that is restricted to beginner or intermediate twirlers.


Solo Twirling categories and advancement is as follows:

Level 1 (Special Beginner): A contestant who has not won two first places in solo competition. 

Level 2 (Novice): Contestant has not won three additionalfirst place awards in solo twirling (for a total of 5) in any solo competition.

Level 3 (Beginner): Contestant has not wonfiveadditional first place wins (for a total of 10) in any solo competition (i.e. open, visitors, or instate, combined).

Level 4 (Intermediate): Contestant has not won eightadditional first place wins (for a total of 18) in any solo competition.

Level 5 (Advanced): Contestant who has won 8 first places at Level 4(Intermediate) or a total of 18 solo wins 

ALL first place wins count for advancement, regardless of organization or number of contestants in the division.  The exceptions are pageant wins and twirl-off wins that need not be counted.  .   A contestant may choose to move to a higher level at any time, but once they compete at a higher level (in any organization), they must remain there (exception is made for “double-entering”).  Contestants are permitted to “double enter” (enter at their current level and the next higher level).  If a contestant wins first at the higher level, it is simply counted as another win toward advancement. If he/she  has not exceeded the number of wins for their current level, it is not necessary to permanently advance to the higher level.  “Triple entering” is not permitted in either open events or pageants. Double entering open events at Regional or International competitions is not permitted.

Advancement is in like manner for Fancy Strut and other novelty events. Five wins at Beginner level will move contestant to Advanced if no Intermediate category, eg  Basic March, 3 baton, etc. In Basic March, a contestant may win first place 2 times in Special Beginner, then an additional 5 times in Beginner before moving to Advanced.

Advancement for Dress Model and Costume Model (formerly Best Appearing) is as follows:Dress Model and Costume Model are two separate events and the wins are not combined.  For example: a contestant may be advanced in Dress Model and intermediate in Costume Model or vice versa. Sportswear or “theme” wins do not count towards any modeling advancement. 

0-6 is a sheltered division; the same rules for advancement apply as above, but when contestant turns seven, he/she automatically may revert to beginner category in any and all events and then accrue awards as above.  This applies only to 0-6 division and is an option only if started at first contest entered after contestant turns seven.

PROTECTION RULE: In each division, the judge must evaluate performances in terms of a standard and in terms of the twirler's capability to move to the next level and compete there.  He/she may then award a protection rule, if desired. In this case, the highest scoring twirler receives a 2nd place award and other twirlers follow below. A protection rule can be used in any division, even title events.  Judges are advised to consider this carefully in terms of what is best for the twirler and the integrity of a title. If a contestant receives a protection rule in 2 out of 3 pageant events, she will not be awarded the pageant title.